On 6th May 2017, more than 200 adults and children celebrated Easwaramma Day at the Sarva Dharma Service Center (SDSC) in Howell Township, New Jersey. Sathya Sai volunteers formed teams to perform numerous needed repairs and restoration inside and outside the SDSC building. The programme commenced with multifaith prayers, bhajans, and a presentation of Baba’s message. The guest speaker was Mrs. Isabella Lewis, coordinator of a book-drive programme for needy children in the Caribbean. Sathya Sai children made cards and bookmarks for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon and bead bracelets or beads glued on canvas to create an image of Mother Easwaramma. They also packed books for shipment to islands in the Caribbean; assembled hygiene kits for distribution at a health fair in Trenton, New Jersey; made hats and scarves for distribution at homeless shelters; and engaged in other service projects. The older volunteers cleaned up utility rooms, offices, and stairways, and painted indoor railings and steps of the facility. SSIO members filled cracks in the driveway and concrete areas, reinforced a fence, repaired traffic signs, removed litter, spruced up the garden by replacing flowering plants and shrubs, and repaired lawn sprinklers, among other miscellaneous services. It was a productive, enjoyable, and memorable day for all participants.

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