On October 12, 2024, 34 members of the SSSIO in the Volga-Ural region of Russia served food at various locations. In Ufa, near the Temple of Panteleimon the Healer, six volunteers served hot pea soup, buckwheat porridge with vegetables, tea, and homemade waffle cakes to 17 needy people. Additionally, clothes and boots were distributed, and 35 chestnut trees were planted as part of the “SAI100” Project.
The “Sai Orchestra” group prepared 24 servings of rice with vegetables, zucchini cabbage patties, bread, eggs, gingerbread, and herbal tea for 18 people. The “Shanti” group made 20 portions of buckwheat porridge with vegetables and 5 liters of herbal tea with lemon and ginger, serving 14 people, including the homeless, who were given two portions each. The group has been part of this project since 2007, and each time they experience a deep sense of love and connection with those they serve.
In another city, volunteers cooked pasta with vegetables and mushrooms in sour cream sauce and served it with fresh cucumbers, dill, and tea with gingerbread at the Night Care Home. The visit was filled with love and warmth as volunteers and residents exchanged stories and laughter. Volunteers also took time to feed the birds with grain before leaving.

SSSIO volunteers prepared lentil cutlets, porridge, and a pie for a family with many members who had requested food. The “Cradle” center, which supports large and single-parent families, contributed three large bags of food, which were distributed to families in need.
In other cities, volunteers prepared and shared meals such as dried fruit compote, bread, and pies with potatoes, as well as soup, tea, cookies, and yogurt. They also gave away 10 bags of essential food items. These meals were distributed at temples, on the streets, and directly at people’s homes.
Overall, more than 130 people were served across the region. Volunteers expressed their gratitude to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for the opportunity to share His love and compassion with others.
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