To spread the divine message and teachings of Sathya Sai Baba, a Sai devotee bought an hour a week of radio time on Radio AM 1090 Libertad on April 23, 2009.  The radio station is located in Rosario, the largest city in central Argentina, and the program was broadcast every Thursday at 10 P.M. for nine years. Now, it is broadcast fortnightly on the internet only, and recorded on the website and on YouTube Channel, Radio Sai Baba Rosario. The radio station has recorded 555 programs, with 274 different interviews, and has an audience that transcends Latin American borders. Beyond the wonderful service of broadcasting a Sai program in Spanish, the greatest service is to immortalize on the internet the wonderful testimonies of so many people who have enjoyed personal experiences with Sathya Sai Baba, the Avatar of this age.