On April 16, 2023, the SSSIO volunteers organized a healthcare fair at the Words of Life Christian Center in the Bronx, New York. Over 128 Spanish-speaking recipients were examined by 23 physicians, including SSSIO members and volunteers from area hospitals. Medical services provided included vision checks and screening for diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, and cancer. Those needing further treatment were referred to local hospitals and informed about community health resources. Twelve social services agencies provided information on support services for childcare, autism, and HIV, as well as affordable housing and Medicaid/Medicare insurance for low-income people. Guests also received health information on nutrition and smoking cessation. Free reading glasses were given away.

About 30 volunteers from the church and the SSSIO worked cooperatively to ensure that everything ran seamlessly. Resident physicians who were assisting at the fair were very inspired and eager to participate in future camps. The camp was a great example of public outreach and sharing of Sri Sathya Sai’s message of love and service with the community.