The Sri Sathya Sai Center of Greater St. Louis celebrated its golden jubilee on September 16, 2023, with an inspiring program filled with uplifting devotional singing, personal experience sharing by devotees, and a recounting of the Center’s five-decade history. Dr. William Harvey, a member of the Prashanti Council, was the guest of honor and regaled the audience with stories of his first trip to Prasanthi Nilayam.

A lively walk down memory lane ensued, accompanied by video clips. A report on the three wings of devotion, education, and service was followed by inspiring presentations on the Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSSEHV) program in the community, and free medical camps serving low-income communities. Members also shared how they have been profoundly transformed by Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the role the Center has played in their lives. The day concluded with a presentation and devotional singing by the Young Adults.

A devotee reflected, “The Golden Jubilee Celebration filled me with immense gratitude. Where else could we have learned His teachings?  I am grateful to those who started the Center and those who lovingly carried the torch forward. And this relay is not over; we must have this resource for many more years. The past years have taught us that beyond the physical form of Baba, it is His teachings that we must remember.”