The SSSIO-USA National Disaster Relief Team (NDRT) is continuing relief efforts in the Bahamas which was severely impacted by Hurricane Dorian in August–September 2019. From November 2019 to July 2020, volunteers across the USA collected food and relief supplies. Sri Sathya Sai Centers in South Florida received the donated supplies and arranged for transportation and distribution in Grand Bahama. During the initial months, hot breakfast was provided for six weeks to approximately 100 children from St. David’s Methodist Church’s school and the local community.

Additionally, a toy drive was organized to spread holiday cheer to 100 school children of Grand Bahama. Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) children created large poster boards to accompany the toys, with messages of hope, peace, and love. Reverend Lewis, the NDRT’s local partner, wrote a personal note: “We are so grateful to SSSIO whose love, shown as these gifts of toys, brought joy and happiness to the children of our school and our three churches. May the God of us all continue to bless this wonderful organization and its entire membership.”

In March and April 2020, when South Florida farmers couldn’t harvest their fruits and vegetables due to lockdown conditions, resulting in produce going to waste, SSSIO volunteers pitched in. Volunteers contacted the farmers who generously donated their crops. A shipping company transported over 20,000 pounds of fresh farm vegetables and delivered them for distribution in the Bahamas. In addition, as of July 2020, water filters, food and toys exceeding $75,000 in value have been donated towards the relief efforts in the Bahamas.