On 12th November 2015, two members of the Sathya Sai Centre of Bjelovar led an evening programme titled “Wakie Wakie Stories,” on education in human values, in Petar Preradovic at the National Library in Bjelovar. The volunteers arranged for the reading of folk tales and stories with a spiritual message in a warm and intimate atmosphere created by candlelight. Visitors filled the gallery of the National Library and listened with rapt attention to the narration of tales that transported them back to childhood days –to a time when they could sail off, carried by the winds of fertile imagination, to new and distant worlds of fairy tales. The readings brought back fond memories of a cherished time when parents or grandparents told bedtime stories. The programme began with a Hasidic folk tale, “A Place in the Woods,” followed by “The Heir of the Kingdom” and an Aesop’s fable, “The Sun and the Wind.” As part of the musical accompaniment for the evening, brothers Boris and Marko Damljanovic sang a Native American devotional song titled, “Huake Leno, Leno” (I Am One with the Infinite Sun). The audience joined in the singing, and soon the library gallery resounded with joyful music. Next, Tina Gatalica narrated a fairy tale, “The Story of Zorko,” by the noted Croatian writer, Ivana Brlic Mazuranic. The last story of the evening was a Romanian folk tale, “The Three Golden Hairs.” The programme ended with a cheerful song, “I Know Somewhere There Is a Place,” from the Croatian musical, “Yalta, Yalta,” in which the audience also joined in singing. Before leaving, the 40 visitors who attended the programme opened a packet they had received at the beginning of the event. To their delight, each received a CD on the Light Meditation, to remind them of the divine light illuminating their hearts.

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