The SSIO of Kazakhstan held a summer camp with the theme, “Heart to Heart Dialogue,” from 13th–19th June 2014 in the village of Borovoye. The camp, attended by 26 adults and 22 children, commenced with a spectacular fireworks and a musical performance on the banks of Big Chebache Lake. Camp activities included yoga and physical exercises; children attended SSE classes and were entertained with human values stories and parables. The children also participated in activities such as creating clay objects, painting pictures, and acting. Thirteen parents attended a seminar on the theme, “Whose Children—God’s or Ours?” A presentation on Bhagawan was accompanied by the film, His Works. Camp attendees also enjoyed nature walks through the scenic areas known as Kazakh Switzerland and Tsar’s Path, and visited the magnificent Yasnaya Polyana Falls.

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