Bhagawan’s 89th Birthday was celebrated on 23rd November 2014 in 47 Sathya Sai Centres and Groups throughout Mexico. In many centres, devotional songs as well as videos about Bhagawan’s life and works were presented. Sathya Sai Youth staged dramas, told stories with a spiritual message, and organised cultural activities. Service activities included visits to orphanages and hospitals, and distribution of food and clothes to the needy.

In Mexico City, six Sathya Sai Centres and Groups joined hands to distribute food, toiletries, clothes, blankets, milk, and diapers for new-born babies to more than 670 indigent families. In addition, all Sathya Sai devotees in Mexico were invited to recite a name of God 108 times daily, during the 108 days before 23rd November. A campaign was launched with the presentation of a short video of the Sathya Sai Institute for Human Values Education, called “We All Are the Sai Institute,” for developing unity among all Sathya Sai members.
Serving food in Mexico City