The Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School celebrated Easwaramma Day on May 5, 2024, by holding its Second Walk for Values in collaboration with the SSSIO of Trinidad and Tobago. The theme this year was Nonviolence Begins with Me, intending to raise the community’s awareness of the importance of practicing human values in daily life. Participants made pledges of nonviolence and walked from Santos Recreational Ground, Longdenville, to Sai Nilayam, the headquarters of the SSSIO in Trinidad. During the walk, posters with messages of nonviolence were displayed by students of the Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms ECCE Centers (Longdenville, Tacarigua, Kernahan, and Navet).

The event involved around 400 people who were willing to foster change in their local, regional, and global communities by setting an example. Members of Parliament were present to endorse the initiative. Nonviolence against the environment was promoted in this green event, with no single-use plastics being used and various educational booths on environmental awareness. Participants left the event with a renewed sense of duty to practice nonviolence in their daily lives and refrain from harming each other and the environment.