On October 27, 2023, the Franciscan Community of Bosnia-Herzegovina organized an interfaith prayer meeting at the Church of Saint Antoni Paduan in Sarajevo. This inspiring event, first initiated in 1986 by Pope John Paul II in the Italian city of Assisi with representatives from twelve world religions, promotes interfaith harmony and world peace.

Once again, in 2023, the SSSIO was honored with an invitation to participate in this event, bringing together representatives from a rich tapestry of religious backgrounds, including Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Bahai, and the International Society for Hare Krishna Consciousness communities. This vibrant gathering is a testament to the SSSIO’s unwavering commitment to fostering unity and inclusivity.

This year, the SSSIO was represented by Ms. Gordana Boban, a distinguished Bosnian actor, and an ardent Sai devotee. She delivered an eloquent speech on the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba that resonated deeply with the audience. In the end, everyone joined together in a heartfelt prayer for peace, which was followed by soul-stirring performances by the choir of the Franciscan Seminary, representatives from the Islamic community, and Hare Krishna Consciousness. The event concluded with a powerful chanting of Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu, invoking peace for all the worlds.