Volunteers from the Sathya Sai Center in Thanniruttu, Mullaitivu, have lovingly served their local community for many years. A Human Values Program, which began 11 years ago, has been a significant part of the services they provide. To expand this impactful service, a hall was constructed and dedicated to facilitating the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values program. On March 16, 2024, the Sathya Sai Center in Thanniruttu, Mullaitivu, celebrated the inauguration of the Sai Nithyalakshmi Hall. This new facility is expected to benefit the 350 students currently enrolled in the program. It is also anticipated that the availability of a dedicated building will lead to a significant increase in the number of students participating in the program.

This facility not only supports the 350 students currently enrolled in the SSEHV program but also anticipates accommodating more students in the future. Many of the students are children of farmers, daily wage workers, and single-parent households. In addition to its educational purpose, this hall also hosts the Sai Center, providing a venue for regular bhajans, bhajan workshops, Veda classes, and satsang.