On Aradhana Mahotsavam Day, the Service Wing of the SSSIO Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Region organized an activity to support the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia (BKF). The BKF provides a clean and safe birthing environment for women worldwide who have little or no assistance during childbirth due to isolation, cultural choice, or poor transport. The event began at 9.30 am at the Senior Citizens’ Centre in Turner, ACT, with 35 participants. The program began with a dedication ceremony to God and a demonstration of how to undertake the activity. The participants were divided into groups of 4 to 6, working together to assemble the kit. The program concluded at 11.30 am with 400 kits assembled, followed by devotional singing and lunch. This activity is regularly undertaken by SSSIO groups in Australia, promoting social activism and spiritual connection, following the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba on practicing love and selfless service.