The 18th National Conference of the SSIO of Belarus took place on 20th and 21st February 2016 at a scenic location near Vitebsk, the fourth largest city in the country. The event attracted 31 members of the SSIO from two Sathya Sai Centres and three bhajan groups, as well as six newcomers. Participants reflected on the Conference theme, “Life is the path from I towards We”. The National Council President of Belarus compared the SSIO to a school for spiritual education, where members learn lessons from Sathya Sai Baba, and take tests that reform and refine them. Sathya Sai Centres and Groups presented reports of service activities conducted in 2015. An SSIO officer from Russia discussed the salient features of Baba’s teachings, emphasising the importance of achieving inner purity and reminding delegates of the goals and objectives of the SSIO. Other discussions included the importance of love and non-violence in education and the seminal role of teachers. Delegates who attended the 10th World Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam in November 2015 shared their experiences and talked about their inner transformation. Sathya Sai youth and children put on captivating cultural performances, followed by a humorous quiz on spiritual matters, which brought much laughter.

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