In Puerto Rico, from February–April 2015, the ISSE organised its fifth contest of human values stories written by school students. In response, 72 stories were submitted by students from 55 public schools, seven private schools, and a home school, representing 25 towns in all. From these submittals, 18 entries were selected and grouped into three categories. On 5th May 2015, the three winning authors received prizes at a closing ceremony in Caguas, attended by 68 people, including the winning authors, ISSE members, parents, teachers, contest judges, and principals of schools. One of the invited guests was impressed by the activities of the ISSE and congratulated the Sathya Sai educators for organizing the event focused on human values. She was particularly impressed by the fact that the work was done without solicitation of funds and without publicity. She felt blessed to learn about Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and His works.

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