Category: Zone 1

Canada, USA, Aruba, Barbados, Curaco (Netherlands Antilles), Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kits, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, Suriname, US Virgin Islands, Trinidad & Tobago

Blog posts

Sandwiches for the Homeless, St. Louis

On 24th April 2015, 30 volunteers from the Sathya Sai Centres of the St. Louis area assembled and served 300 cheese sandwiches to the homeless at Centenary United Methodist Church. The volunteers formed five groups, each representing a human value, and embarked on this noble…

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International Medical Camp in Jamaica

SSIO members organised an International Medical Camp in Jamaica from 21st–25th April 2015, in which 18 Sathya Sai volunteers from the USA, Canada, and Jamaica provided medical services to 1,542 needy Jamaicans at nine urban and rural locations. The Jamaica Ministry of Health (MOH) provided…

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Marathon Relay Race in St Louis, USA

Under the guidance of a Sathya Sai medical professional, a few Sathya Sai women volunteers from the St. Louis area started focusing on nutrition and physical well-being in September 2014, for improving their health. They met frequently and discussed Bhagawan’s messages on health, wellness, and…

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Podiatry Camp in Florida (Video)

Sathya Sai volunteers in Florida organised a podiatry (foot care) camp at St. Petersburg to serve the destitute. Patients received foot care, as well as new shoes, a blanket and boxed lunch. Many were touched by the love and compassion shown. Here is their story.

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Bhagawan’s Birthday Observance in USA

Bhagawan’s birthday was celebrated with service activities and devotional programmes across the USA. Sathya Sai Centres of the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA, observed Bhagawan’s Birthday by conducting at least one service activity every day during November 2014. Over 60 different projects were organised by more than…

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Podiatry Camp in Florida, USA

Several Sathya Sai Centres in Florida teamed up with a local health department to sponsor a podiatry (foot care) camp at St. Petersburg, Florida, for the benefit of the unemployed, homeless, or those without medical insurance. On the morning of 1st November 2014, 8 podiatrists,

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Quote for the site

Love All Serve All Sathya Sai Baba
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