Category: Zone 2B

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

Blog posts

Christmas Celebrations in Argentina

Moved by the plight of the residents of Merendero Belén District, SSSIO members distributed toys and boxes with Christmas presents on December 24, 2020. Each box, containing sweet bread, alfajores, sugar, chocolate powder, sweet biscuits, flour, noodles, and milk, was assembled with love and hand-delivered…

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Serving the Needy in Colombia

From March to April 2020, while the entire country was quarantined, SSSIO volunteers in Colombia distributed twenty-five food hampers to needy senior residents in Funza. Wonderful smiles and tears in their eyes expressed the gratitude of all people for this loving service. In addition, SSSIO…

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Christmas Service in Bolivia

Since 1999, SSSIO volunteers from the Sri Sathya Sai Centre in Sucre have prepared and delivered food during Christmas to low-income people living in various parts of the city. On December 24, 2020, the volunteers delivered two hundred food hampers in the city, and an…

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Serving the Needy in Argentina

Since August 2020, volunteers from the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Córdoba, Argentina delivered food to about 60 to 80 people living by the city’s train tracks. The volunteers prepare, package, and deliver a sumptuous meal of legumes, vegetables, rice, and bread to the needy,…

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Food and Clothing Distribution in Peru

Since March 2020, a group of volunteers from the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Miraflores distributed panettones (a popular cake) to 20 children and 40 women every month. Many more volunteers subsequently joined in this effort, while heeding safety protocols. This selfless service has expanded…

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Love All Serve All Sathya Sai Baba
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