Category: Medical

Articles about medical camps, medical clinics, and hospitals

Blog posts

Serving the Needy in South Africa

On January 31 and February 21, 2021, around 50 SSSIO volunteers from seven regions in South Africa distributed vitamin packs along with information booklets and packets of vibhuti (holy ash) to the needy, while following strict safety protocols. The vitamin packs contained Vitamin B complex,…

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Sai Health Week in Australia

The Sai Medical Unit in conjunction with SSSIO of Australia recently organized a successful Sai Health Week between September 5–13, 2020. In Western Australia, a Healthy Ageing Workshop was organized to raise awareness of important health issues for those over 40.  The event introduced attendees…

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Blood Donation Camps in Bahrain

On April 19, 2020, SSSIO volunteers in Bahrain organized two blood donation camps during the global pandemic. Eleven volunteers donated blood. Additionally, on July 17, 2020, 20 volunteers donated blood following a request by the Salmaniya Medical Complex, a public hospital in Bahrain.

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Blood Donation Drive in Mauritius

In 2020, the SSSIO of Mauritius organized 25 blood donation drives where they collected 2,598 pints of blood. Between July and September 2020, as COVID cases increased, volunteers organized several blood donation drives across the island. Safety protocols were implemented, including wearing face masks, temperature…

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National Visors Project, UK

Since the March 2020 lockdown due to the pandemic, there has been a severe shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In March 2020, SSIO volunteers in UK undertook a national initiative, ‘National Visors Project,’ to supply hand-made shields or visors made with acetate material to…

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