On 19th and 20th September 2015, the 12th Annual National Conference of the SSIO of Kazakhstan in Almaty was attended by 55 people from Kazakhstan, as well as visitors from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, the United Kingdom, and Denmark. Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan, located in the mountainous area of southern Kazakhstan, in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau, where the Bolshaya and Malaya Almaatinka rivers enter the plains. The conference opened with a welcome address from a senior SSIO leader who discussed preparations for the 90th Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan Baba and the work of the SSIO around the world on the seminal themes of love and selfless service. The Sathya Sai centres of Kazakhstan presented an annual report on projects to help and serve orphanages, boarding schools, the needy, and the hungry, Attendees also discussed the worldwide service project, Serve the Planet, and future plans for medical camps in Kazakhstan. Highlights of the conference included uplifting talks by two senior devotees of Bhagawan, Ms. Inga Piculell and Ms. Dana Gillespie, who recounted their priceless personal experiences with Sathya Sai Baba. During her talk, Ms. Gillespie noted, “We are mirrors of His love. If we give love, it returns back to us.”

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