In June, the southern region of Russia hosted a Purity Day as part of the Active Summer 2024 project. About 60 people, 45 SSSIO members, six guests, and 9 children, gathered to serve the planet. They cleaned up rivers, lakes, and the Sea of Azov, collected broken glass, and tended to plants in homesteads. Children from the SSE Sunday School participated in fun activities such as relay races, performed songs, staged skits, and created sculptures.

In one city, adults and children visited an arboretum to learn about trees and birds. In three other cities, SSSIO members conducted lessons on Nature’s kindness, the beauty of the earth, and purity of speech. They also cleared garbage from beaches, playgrounds, and squares.
To develop inner purity, many joined in devotional singing and spiritual chanting. They also visited dolmens and funerary ancient religious structures. The day concluded with a gathering in a natural setting so everyone could experience the joy of communion with nature, heart-to-heart connection with each other, and unity of all creation.
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