Since September 2023, on the first Sunday of every month, Sai volunteers from the Sri Sathya Sai Center of North San Diego, including the children, have been making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and assembling care packages containing V8 juice, granola bars, trail mix, and cheese sticks. They deliver the sandwiches and care packages to Brother Benno’s Foundation in Oceanside, California. The staff at Brother Benno’s, who receive and distribute them to the homeless, are truly thankful, telling the Sai volunteers, ‘God bless you for your help.’

One of the Sai volunteers, a high schooler, reflected, “Making sandwiches for the homeless makes me feel like I am contributing to the community. Knowing that each sandwich would make one person less hungry and that I am making another person’s life just a little easier fills me with joy.”