The SSIO of Netherlands organised a Walk for Peace on 21st September 2016 in Arnhem, a city in eastern Netherlands, to commemorate the United Nations’ International Day of Peace. Before the walk, 25 Sathya Sai members from different parts of the country gathered around a grand piano available to the public at the Central Station of Arnhem, and rendered John Lennon’s well-known song, “Imagine,” on piano, accompanied by flute. Earlier, a SSEHV teacher had discussed the significance and value of peace with adolescent children at a special school for immigrant children hailing from various war-torn countries. On the morning of 21st September, these youngsters came to the Central Station with two banners, displaying the word Peace in different languages, and joined in the singing, before returning to school. From the station, the group walked to Arnhem’s main church, carrying the banners advocating peace. This church was chosen as the venue because it had been damaged during World War II and was being restored. The banners, decorated with symbols of peace by the children and quotes by Sathya Sai Baba and Mother Teresa, attracted attention from the public.
On the same day, 15 Sathya Sai followers celebrated the International Day of Peace in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert, at a temporary shelter for 20 migrant families. The SSIO volunteers, together with migrant families and children, sang songs to commemorate the initiative to promote worldwide peace. Songs about peace, truth, friendship, and happiness inspired everyone present, touching hearts and giving joy. The children helped set up the tables and chairs for the event. Moved by the warmth and love evidenced by the Sathya Sai group, the manager of the shelter, who joined the festivities, commented, “Such a fountain of love you created! Where do such nice people like you come from?”
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