About 15 members of the Sri Sathya Sai Centers of Southeast Denver and Colorado spent an uplifting weekend together, during which they participated in a Walk for Values and built a community garden at a local family shelter. After serving a savory burrito breakfast to shelter residents, Sai volunteers cleared the area of weeds. They created six vegetable garden beds, filled each with rich soil, and sprinkled Vibhuti (Sacred Ash) and rice to ensure a bountiful harvest. They also planted a maple tree as part of the One Million (OM) Sai Trees Initiative.

Sai volunteers were uplifted by the fellowship they experienced during the Values Walk and the meals they shared, and also by the joyous singing of spiritual songs while they built the garden with love.

Love is the Seed, Love is the Tree, Love is the Fruit.” Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 10 (24)