Fifteen years ago, teachers, parents, and students of the Sathya Sai School of Toronto organised the first Walk for Values in Canada. The participants pledged to practise a human value and walked through a low-income community to share Sathya Sai Baba’s message of human values. This year, 90 cities and municipalities across Canada and the provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, and British Colombia have adopted Human Values Day to encourage the practice of human values, and the Walk for Values has expanded into a worldwide movement. On 24th April 2017, 95 members of the SSIO of Canada, along with members of the public and government officials, celebrated the global inauguration of April 24 as World Human Values Day, at the prestigious Parliament Hill in Canada’s capital city, Ottawa. The event kicked off with Sathya Sai students singing the bilingual Canadian national anthem, followed by a rendering of the universal prayer of the Sathya Sai School. Several government officials and dignitaries spoke about the benefits of raising awareness of human values to resolve conflicts in society and to mitigate environmental crises around the world today. A letter from the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, was read aloud, and the Human Values Day Proclamation was presented to the SSIO of Canada by the Honourable Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa. The SSIO donated 150 T-shirts to the Shepherds of Good Hope, the largest non-profit organisation serving and caring for the homeless in Ottawa, in honour of Canada’s 150 years of confederation.

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