Every month, SSIO volunteers from the Sathya Sai Centre of Cooksville visit the residents of the Erin Meadow Retirement Home and spend quality time with the seniors. On 26th August 2018, a small group of 20 volunteers including eight children, visited the retirement home to fill the hearts of everyone with divine music. The evening began with a prayer, followed by two wonderful solo renditions of Alive Alive and Love one another on the keyboard by the children. Both these songs filled the room with energy, especially when the residents joined in to clap and sing with the children. One of the young story-tellers shared the story The Hidden Treasure to stress the importance of working hard to achieve your goals. Additionally, the children also performed two group songs, Give me Oil in my lamp and The Butterfly. After closing prayers and a vote of thanks, fruits and ice cream were distributed and the children were given an opportunity to interact with the senior residents.