The sixth national volunteer camp of the SSIO of Kazakhstan was held at a boarding school in the Karaganda region. A team of 31 volunteers from five cities of Kazakhstan provided humanitarian services and educational assistance to the residents. Sathya Sai volunteers formed three teams and worked on diverse projects. The education team conducted three creative lessons for students from the junior, middle, and senior classes. The children performed skits, played games, solved puzzles, watched videos, and discussed universal human values. The children appreciated the warm, homelike, and joyful atmosphere for learning. The younger children staged a fairy tale, Teremok, and the older children performed a play, The Assembly of Beasts. The children also attended a class on nature. A senior student sang beautiful rap songs about his class, his mother, his country, friendship, and love, which touched the audience. On 15th April, the children staged performances and enacted parables, one of which drew hearty laughter. The programme ended with a group song by the children, after which each child received an apple and a chocolate bar. Meanwhile, the construction team worked diligently for two full days. The young adults dismantled the walls of a bedroom and installed a plasterboard partition and a door. They repaired walls and ceilings, cleaned and painted six windows, and replaced two shower faucets, two toilet seats, and other fixtures. Working in two groups, the service team procured and distributed 36 bags of food and 36 bags of clothing to indigent local families and those living nearby. Sathya Sai volunteers were much appreciated by the administrators, teachers, and students of the boarding school, other guests, and the local villagers.