Families of children participating in the Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) programme in Northern Italy and Canton Ticino in Switzerland attended a meeting at the Mother Sai House, in Varallo Pombia, near Milan, on 13th March 2016. About 33 people came together for this educational event, which began with a universal prayer, human values songs, and an inspirational quote from Sathya Sai Baba. During the morning session, the younger children listened to the mythical story of Peko-Neko, a small bird that remained unaware of its ability to fly. With the help of other animals in the forest, the bird finally realised its own potential and triumphantly soared into the sky. The children were then invited to reflect on their own true identity – to become aware that each of them is a spark of the divine. The divine inner light, symbolised by a small flame, served to remind the children that they can discover the treasure within, their hearts lit up with joy. The younger children also crafted and painted animal masks, which they wore in a dramatic enactment of the story. the school-aged children staged a drama, titled The Light of Love. During rehearsals, their parents painted pictures of plants and flowers on wood and cardboard as sets and props for the play. In the afternoon, the kindergarten children participated in a treasure hunt in the beautiful garden of Mother Sai House. The event concluded in the evening with the presentation of the children’s skit in the auditorium.

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