To celebrate the universality of Sathya Sai Baba’s message and His exemplary life, the SSIO of Trinidad and Tobago hosted an interfaith event on 31st January 2016 at Sai Nilayam, the island’s main Sathya Sai Centre. Eminent guests, representing major religions, were invited to share the core values and tenets of their respective faiths that can unify humanity in peace and love. Over 100 members of the SSIO joined the august group. The emissary of the Christian faith, Bishop Daniel, shared an uplifting talk based on passages from the Bible, and gospel singers from his church sang beautiful devotional hymns. Imam Yamin Ali-Baksh shared an inspirational talk from the Quran and offered melodious qaseedas, to the delight of all. Pandit Ravi Bharati expounded on Hindu philosophy, accompanied by recitations from the Vedas. Thereafter, a video of one of Swami’s discourses highlighted the importance of celebrating the glory of God through different faiths. The programme came to a close with a round of multifaith devotional songs.

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