The 1st of July 2015 marked a historic premiere for the SSIO of Trinidad and Tobago, the first graduation ceremony of the West Indies’ first Sathya School – the Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms Early Childhood Care and Education Center in Longdenville, Trinidad. About 70 people, including 17 new students, celebrated the graduation of the school’s first three students, aged 4-5. The programme opened with the first graduate’s grandfather presenting the national flag to the school’s administrator. Following the national anthem and other presentations, certificates were awarded to the graduating students by the SSIO Central Coordinator of the countries of West Indies. Sharing by the three young graduates provided the most captivating part of the ceremony; they spoke of their transformation due to the school’s emphasis on the five human values as well as their overall enjoyable school experience. The students presented multifaith and values-oriented songs and other performances, inspiring and impressing the guests and parents.


