In August 2024, 16 people, including 13 members of the Active Summer project, participated in a nature retreat in the Volga-Ural region of Russia, where they enjoyed field trips, hands-on activities like cleaning and harvesting vegetables, teleconferences, bhajans, and tea parties. Children attended a special class on the beauty of Nature, where they discussed the importance of preserving nature’s beauty and the vital role of a loving heart.

After the lesson, the group joined forces to clear a nearby forest and rejuvenate the natural surroundings. Another group immersed itself in nature, spending the day in joy, hugging trees, observing the natural world, enjoying its sounds, and meditating. They also played table tennis and enjoyed a leisurely walk to a water spring and concluded the day with a bhajan program. The participants returned feeling refreshed, happy, and spiritually uplifted. The shared experiences of love, joy, and service strengthened their mutual bond.