The Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO) of Australia held its National Conference from 14th to 17th April 2017 in Melbourne. 570 delegates from around Australia attended, along with 62 children who took part in a separate children’s programme arranged by 30 SSE teachers. The theme of the conference was ‘Walking in His Footsteps’.
Special guests, Geetha Mohan Ram from the USA and George Bebedelis, the National Council President of Greece, joined local speakers to captivate delegates with anecdotes and teachings of Sathya Sai Baba, providing valuable information and inspiration to participants on how to tread the righteous path of love and selfless service.
The Conference programme included workshops on a variety of different topics, panel presentations about the work of the SSIO of Australia (including the Australian Sathya Sai School), devotional singing and morning meditation, and concerts by the children and young adults. The Chairman of the Prasanthi Council, Dr. Narendrath Reddy, delivered a special message via video.
An interfaith minister conducted a Catholic Easter Service which embraced multi-faith tenets.

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