On 17th and 18th October 2015, about 260 SSIO volunteers served food to the needy on a large scale in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova. Dedicated and tireless Sathya Sai workers served food in churches, markets, bus stops, railway stations, streets, covered pavilions, and homes for the disabled. In a disciplined manner, the volunteers also cleaned and organised the service areas. Many of the grateful recipients of the food also joined happily in the cleaning activities. A total of 1,173 meals were prepared and distributed in six countries of Zone 8 of the SSIO. In Belarus, food service to disabled people took place over a period of four to five days, and volunteers also distributed food packages in Kyrgyzstan and Moldova. In Kazakhstan, clothing and shoes were given to the needy. In many instances, the volunteers and recipients enjoyed spiritual and uplifting discussions about life and God in a peaceful and loving atmosphere.

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