Category: Zone 8

Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Blog posts

SSEHV Seminar in Kazakhstan

About 300 teachers and educational personnel from higher and public educational institutions attended a seminar titled “Universal Values: Universal Approach,” during October 2014. The SSIO organised the seminar at the invitation of the Bobek Centre, which is administered by the Ministry of Education and Science…

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Serving teenagers in prison, Moldova

On 16th June 2014, Sathya Sai volunteers from Chisinau served fruit to 20 teenagers in the prison in the Goyany settlement, also 20 km from Chisinau, and helped to replace their lost passports. This service is rendered lovingly three to four times a year. After…

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Love All Serve All Sathya Sai Baba
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