Category: Medical

Articles about medical camps, medical clinics, and hospitals

Blog posts

Medical Camp for the Elderly in Brazil

On April 19 and 24, 2024, the SSSIO held a Medical Camp at the Bom Jesus Rest Home in Salvador/Bahia, providing medical care to elderly residents and local community members. Participants were offered 108 consultations in geriatrics, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics, gynecology, and general practice. The event…

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Improving Health in Brazil

On July 20, 2024, the Sai do Brasil Foundation in Rio de Janeiro hosted an educational event at the Sai Center in Vila Isabel. The lecture, “Healthy Food and Improving Health,” led by Enilson das Neves, attracted 20 SSSIO members and 14 visitors. Enilson focused…

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Esala Festival Medical Camp in Sri Lanka

The SSSIO Sri Lanka held a free medical camp during the annual Esala Festival when Buddhist devotees participated in a religious procession involving various spiritual rites. The camp, supported by a team of doctors, paramedics, and volunteers, provided high-quality, compassionate care to 720 devotees over…

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Dental cleaning in Azerbaijan

On March 21-24, 2024, the SSSIO of Azerbaijan invited a dentist and his assistant from the Siberian region of Russia to provide dental services to 22 people in Baku, Azerbaijan. The dentist also educated the recipients on the importance of oral hygiene and gave them…

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Medical Camp in Texas, USA

SSSIO volunteers, in collaboration with the India Association of Southeast Texas, hosted a free health screening camp at the India Cultural Center in Beaumont, Texas. The camp, held on December 16, 2023, served around 60 guests. Volunteers included medical professionals and SSSIO members who had…

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Medical Camp in Cuernavaca, Mexico

The Medical Wing in Mexico organized its fourth medical camp at the Sathya Sai School in Cuernavaca, Morelos, on May 4 -5, 2024. About 90 students and their parents received medical consultations and medicines. Three students were also referred for further medical treatment. Medical professionals,…

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