Tag: Brazil

Blog posts

Medical Camp for the Elderly in Brazil

On April 19 and 24, 2024, the SSSIO held a Medical Camp at the Bom Jesus Rest Home in Salvador/Bahia, providing medical care to elderly residents and local community members. Participants were offered 108 consultations in geriatrics, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics, gynecology, and general practice. The event…

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Improving Health in Brazil

On July 20, 2024, the Sai do Brasil Foundation in Rio de Janeiro hosted an educational event at the Sai Center in Vila Isabel. The lecture, “Healthy Food and Improving Health,” led by Enilson das Neves, attracted 20 SSSIO members and 14 visitors. Enilson focused…

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Toys for Children in Brazil

On December 22, 2023, the Sai Center of Caxias do Sul in southern Brazil organized a toy donation for underprivileged children supported by the Happy Child Association, a nonprofit organization assisting socially vulnerable children and families since 1995. The effort involved seven Sai Center members…

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